If I have a natural deduction system for intuitionistic propositional logic, is it possible to derive the following rule?
$$\frac{\Gamma \vdash \phi \Rightarrow \psi \quad \Gamma \vdash \phi \Rightarrow \neg \psi}{\Gamma \vdash \neg \phi}$$
($\neg \phi$ is shorthand for $\phi \Rightarrow \bot$)
My suspicion is that it isn't possible, because deriving the implication in the conclusion would require a use of the implication introduction rule, whose premise would have an expanded context $\Gamma, \phi$:
$$\frac{\Gamma, \phi \vdash \bot}{\Gamma \vdash \phi \Rightarrow \bot}$$
Since there are no rules whose premises have smaller contexts than their conclusion, there doesn't seem to be any way to derive $\Gamma, \phi \vdash \bot$ from the hypotheses. Of course, you could do it with a weakening rule, but that would only be admissible, not derivable.
Is the above reasoning correct? Or is there another approach that allows you to derive the rule?
EDIT: The rules of the natural deduction system I'm using are given below.