What are the minimum pre-requisites in analysis (differential geometry) required to study Lie-groups? And for that material, what are some good references?
I have done basic courses in Metric spaces, Topology, Complex analysis etc. and Linear Algebra and Functional analysis. I also have some knowledge of Curves and surfaces ( $\mathbb{R^3}$ ).
I have to do a reading in Lie groups and, perhaps, later continue with its representation theory. Though it is (probably?) an algebraic study, I would still like to know the role played by Lie groups and algebras in Geometry too.
Ideally I would prefer to have a brief but sufficiently rigorous introduction in Differential geometry so that I may continue with the study of Lie groups without hindrance. For that if there is a reference recommendation then I would be really thankful.If there exist some lecture notes serving this purpose,then that would be great too.)
Thanks in advance!