In books on Malliavin calculus and stochastic PDE, I found the following result is frequently used. I state it here in the simplest form.
Given a separable Hilbert space $\left(H, \langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle\right)$ and a probability measure $\mu$ on $H$. Suppose that $H_0$ is a dense subset of $H$. Consider the following class of functionals on $H$, $$\mathcal C_0 = \left\{h \mapsto \cos(\langle h, h_0 \rangle), h \mapsto \sin(\langle h, h_0 \rangle)|h_0 \in H_0\right\}. $$ Let $\mathcal C$ be the linear span of $\mathcal C_0$, then $\mathcal C$ is dense in $L^2(\mu)$, where $L^2(\mu)$ is the Hilbert space of all real-valued functionals $F: H \rightarrow \mathbb R$ with the norm $E_\mu |F|^2$ being finite.
Of course, from the fact that $H$ is a Radon space, we can restrict the problem to a compact subspace of $H$, and apply Stone-Weierstrass Theorem to prove this. However since this result usually appears without any proof, I guess there is a very direct and easy proof. Could anyone teach me?
Thank you in advance.