I am working my way through "Mathematical Analysis" by Apostol.
What I am attempting to prove is that if there exist $q_{1}$ and $q_{2}$ such that $x + q_1 = x$ and $y+q_2=y$, then $q_1=q_2$
Sometimes I will be using $q$ to denote $0$
I am using the first $4$ field axioms from the book:
Axiom 1: Commutative Laws
$x+y=y+x$, $xy=yx$
Axiom 2: Associative Laws
$x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z$, $x(yz)=(xy)z$
Axiom 3: Distributive Law
Axiom 4:
Given any two real numbers $x$ and $y$, there exists a real number $z$ such that $x+z=y$. This $z$ is denoted by $y-x$; the number $x-x$ is denoted by $0$ (it can be proved that $0$ is independent of $x$.) We write $-x$ for $0-x$ and call $-x$ the negative of $x$.
Lemma 1: $x + 0 = x$
From axiom 4 we are guaranteed a $z$ such that $x+z=x$. This $z$ is denoted by $x-x$, which is denoted by $0$
Therefore $x+z=x \Longrightarrow$ $x+0=x$
Lemma 2: $x+(-x)=0$
We can rewrite the above as $x + (0-x)$, which, from definition in axiom 4, evaluates to $0$
Lemma 3: If $x+q_a=x$, and $x+q_b=x$, then $q_a=q_b$
From the first sentence of axiom 4 we are guaranteed at least one $q_a$ such that
$x + q_a = x$
If $q_a$ is not unique, then we will also have
Add $(-x)$ to both sides
Commutative Propriety
Associative Proprety
Lemma 2
$q_a + 0=q_b+0$
Lemma 1
Now for the actual proof:
We are trying to prove that if there exist $q_{1}$ and $q_{2}$ such that $x + q_1 = x$ and $y+q_2=y$, then $q_1=q_2$
By the first sentence in axiom 4, we are guaranteed $q_1$ and $q_2$ such
$x + q_1 = x$
By lemma 3, we are guaranteed that if
By axiom 4 guaranteed the existence of a $z$ such that
Now we substitute
Add $(-z)$ to both sides
Associative and commutative proprieties lead to
$x+q_2 + (z+(-z))=x+(z+(-z))$
By lemma 3 we are guaranteed that if $x+q_1=x$, and $x+q_2=x$, then $q_1=q_2$
Therefore $q_1=q_2$ so we have completed the proof.