Applying the method of characteristics :
which gives $du=0$ hense the characteristics $(u)$ and $\left(x-(1-2u)t\right)$
Thus the general solution, on implicit form, is :
The function $F(X,Y)$ with $X=u$ and $Y=x-(1-2u)t$ is not a solution of the PDE. The solutions of the PDE are the functions $u(x,t)$ which are solutions of the equation $F\left(u\:,\:x-(1-2u)t\right)=0$
Verification, any derivable function $F(X,Y)$:
In addition : Look at the Boundary conditions :
u(x,0)=\frac{1}{4} & \quad \text{for } x<0 \\
u(0,t)=1 & \quad \text{for } t>0 \\
The implicit equation $F\left(u\:,\:x-(1-2u)t \right)=0$ can be transformed to :
$$u=f\left(x-(1-2u)t \right)$$
where $f$ is a function to be determined according to the boundary conditions.
$$ \begin{cases}
u(x,0)=\frac{1}{4}=f\left(x-(1-2u(x,0))0 \right)=f(x) & \quad x<0\\
u(0,t)=1=f\left(0-(1-2*1)t \right)=f(t) & \quad \text t>0 \\
So, the function $f$ is defined by
f(\chi)=\frac{1}{4} & \quad \text{for } \chi<0 \\
f(\chi)=1 & \quad \text{for } \chi>0 \\
where $H(\chi)$ is the Heaviside step function.
Finally, the solution expressed on implicit form is :
$$u=\frac{1}{4}+\frac{3}{4}H\left(x-(1-2u)t \right)$$