I suppose your question is whether the two formulas give the
same answer for binary data. Here is an example to illustrate
that they are almost the same, but not exactly.
Suppose I have a sample of a thousand zeros and ones in which
there are 283 ones. Then $\bar X = 283/1000 = 0.283.$ Thus,
$\bar X(1-\bar X) = 0.283(1 - 0.283) = 0.202911.$
An alternate general formula for the sample variance
of values $X_i$ is
$$S^2 = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n X_i^2 - n \bar X^2}{n-1}.$$
In a binary sample $\sum_{i=1}^n X_i^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n X_i$,
because $0^2 = 0$ and $1^2 = 1.$
Thus, the general formula gives
$S^2 = \frac{283 - 1000(.283)^2}{999} = 0.2031141.$
If (as in the Comment by @A.S) the denominator were $n = 1000$ instead of $n-1=999,$ this
would simplify to $$S^2 = 0.283 - 0.283^2 = 0.283(1 = 0.283) = \bar X(1- \bar X).$$
The formula for the population variance is often written with the population size $n$ in the denominator.