If four identitical dice are rolled, how many different outcomes can be recorded?
Soln: So I am aware that the solution to this follows a bars and stars sort of procedure and I beleive the solution is C(4+6 -1, 4) = C (4+6 - 1, 5) depending if you are arranging by slots or by bars. Since I am still new to the bars and stars method I am still trying to visualize how the bars and stara would be arranged in a sample outcome. Here is where I am having trouble convincing myself.
So I am dealing with 4 rolls and each dice has 6 possible results so how would a sample outcome look? would it look like this: $$ ****** | ****** | ****** | ******$$
where each bar is a separator for a roll and the stara represemt the numbered result? It doesn't feel like that is how it should be considered