Let $\Omega$ be a finitely connected bounded domain in the complex plane bounded by $n+1$ analytic jordan curves. Letting $\partial \Omega$ denote the boundary of $\Omega$, we write $\partial \Omega = \{\Gamma_1 \cup \cdots \cup\Gamma_{n+1}\}$, where $\Gamma_i $ denote the boundary component of $\partial \Omega$ with the assumption that $\Gamma_{n+1}$ denote the outer boundary component.
Now consider the following $n$ harmonic harmonic function $u_1, u_2,\cdots,u_n$ defined on $\Omega$ which satisfy the following boundary value. \begin{align} u_j(z) &= 1\;\;\text{for}\;z\in \Gamma_j,\\ &= 0\;\;\text{for}\;z\in \partial \Omega /\Gamma_j \end{align} Existence of such harmonic function follows from the fact that $\partial \Omega$ consist of analytic jordan curve.
Now consider the following map $\phi:\Omega \to I^n $, $\big($where $I$ denote the unit open interval $(0,1) \subset \mathbb{R}\big)$ defined by $$\phi(z) =\big(u_1(z),u_2(z),\cdots,u_n(z)\big)$$ It is straight forward to see that for $n=1$, the map is onto (follows from connectedness of the domain $\Omega$). I believe that for $n\geq 2$ the map $\phi $ is never onto. The reason behind my belief is some dimension mismatch. But I am not able to prove that concretely.
So my question is whether the map $\phi$ is onto or not? Also I would like to know under what condition for a $n$ tuple of number $(a_1,\cdots,a_n) \in I^n$, there exist a $z\in \Omega$ so that $$\phi(z) = (a_1,\cdots,a_n)$$.