In base $10$, you can sum the digits in an iterative way. E.g.
193 -> 13 -> 4 (193 is not divisible by 9).
198 -> 18 -> 9 (198 is divisible by 9).
Due to this base is $10$, you can even add the number by parts and "reduce" them later. Since I could reduce a number like this:
101102 -> 101 + 102 -> 203 -> 5 (not divisible by 9)
I could make it in a bigger scale. Lets just explain why we could reduce like that:
101102 = 101*999 + 101 + 102 -> 101 + 102
(we discard the first term since it is already divisible by 9)
And we can do that for any order of digits, like:
101102103 = 101*999999 + 101 + 102*999 + 102 + 103 -> 101 + 102 + 103
(the *999999 and *999 terms were discarded since they are already divisible by 9)
So we can reduce your big number to:
101 + ... + 150 = 251 * 50 / 2 = 6275 -> 20 -> 2
The remainder is $2$.