Let $f(x) \in F[x]$ be irreducible (F is a Field). Suppose $f(x) \mid g_1(x)g_2(x)\dots g_k(x)$
Prove $\exists i \in [1,k]$ where $f(x)|g_i(x)$
(By contradiciton) Something along the lines
Assume $\forall i \in [1,k]$ where $f(x) \nmid g_i(x)$ (not div)
So, $$f(x) \nmid g_1(x),\dots, f(x) \nmid g_k(x)$$
$\therefore$ $f(x) \nmid g_1(x)*\dots*g_k(x) $ Contradiction!
(Straight way)
Some thm
if $f(x)$ is irreducible and $f_1(x) \mid g_1(x)g_2(x)$ then $f(x)|g_1(x) $ or $f(x)|g_2(x)$
Using that thm $f(x)|g_1(x)$ or $f(x)|g_2(x)\dots g_k(x)$
$f(x)\mid g_1(x)$or $f(x)\mid g_2(x) ...$ or $ f(x)\mid g_i(x) ...$ or $ f(x) \mid g_k(x)$
$\therefore$ $\exists i \in [1,k]$ where $f(x)|g_i(x)$
Something wrong specially with straight way??