Can a set be neither open nor closed? An example would do. I cant think of any.
Thanks in advance!
Can a set be neither open nor closed? An example would do. I cant think of any.
Thanks in advance!
One very familiar example is the set $[0,1)$ in the usual topology of $\Bbb R$: it’s not open, because it does not contain any nbhd of $0$, and it’s not closed, because $1$ is in its closure.
Another example: the rationals $\mathbb{Q}$ as a subset of $\mathbb{R}$ with the usual topology. It's not open, because every interval contains irrationals. It's not closed, because every irrational is a limit of rationals.
As the other answers have already pointed out, it is possible and in fact quite common for a topology to have subsets which are neither open nor closed. More interesting is the question of when it is not the case. A door topology is a topology satisfying exactly this condition: every subset is either open or closed (just like a door).
Conversely, we can ask whether subsets can be both open and closed, and this is the more well-known property of connectedness: a connected space is one where the only closed-and-open sets (clopen sets) are $\emptyset$ and $X$, which are always clopen in any topology. Thus in a connected door topology, you have $A$ is open iff $A$ is not closed, except for $A=X$ or $A=\emptyset$, where $A$ is both open and closed.
The most common door topology one comes across is the discrete topology, where every subset is both open and closed. A nontrivial example of a connected door topology is given by the collection of open sets $\scr U\cup\{\emptyset\}$ given any ultrafilter $\scr U$.
Any non-empty, proper subset of a topological space endowed with the indiscrete topology.