By Abel's identity for $Li (x)=\int_2^x\frac{ds}{\log s}$, $a(n)=\mu(n)$ the Möbius function and $[y=e,x]$ (see Theorem 4.2, page 77 of [1]) and an application of Fundamental Calculus Theorem we obtain
$$\sum_{e <n\leq x}\mu (n)Li (n)=\sum_{e<n\leq x}\mu(n)\cdot\left(\int_2^n\frac{ds}{\log s}\right)=M(x)\cdot\int_2^x\frac{dt}{\log t}-\int_e^x\frac{M(t)}{\log t}dt,$$ where $M(x)=\sum_{1\leq n\leq x}\mu(n)$. Since we have the obvious estimating $M(x)=O(x)$ we have $$\int_e^x\frac{M(t)}{\log t}dt=O\left(\int_e^x\frac{t}{\log t}dt\right)$$ I believe that $\int_e^x (t/\log t) dt$ is computed using definition of exponential integral, by I don't know how made it (by change of variables we obtain $\int_1^{\log x}(e^{2t}/t) dt$ ).
Question. a) A proof verification of previous computations is required and will be appreciated. b) How bound in a more accurate way, if it is possible, $\int_e^x M(t)/\log t dt$? c) How bound $\int_e^x t/\log t dt$ (I search an answer to c), regardless of your answer to b) I say a big oh- bound too)?
Thanks in advance. My goal is strengthen my standard maths and encourage people.
[1] Apostol, Introduction to analytitc Number Theory, Springer 1978.