I've got stuck at this problem :
Prove that for any $a > 0$ and any $b > 0$ the following inequality is true: $$ {3} {\left(\frac{a^3}{b^3} + \frac{b^3}{a^3}\right)} \geq \frac{a}{b} +\frac{b}{a} + 4$$
The first thing that I've thought was the AM-GM inequality (the extended version - heard that is also known as The power mean inequality): $$ HM \leq GM \leq AM \leq SM $$ where $HM$, $GM$, $AM$, and $SM$ refer to the harmonic, geometric, arithmetic, and square mean, respectively. CBS(Cauchy - Buniakowsky - Schwartz) also come to my mind, but I think it isn't helpful in this case.
I would be greatful for some hints.