I am interested in solving the following biharmonic eigenvalue problem.
$$\begin{array}{cccc} & \Delta ^2 \Psi (x,y) = \lambda \Psi (x,y), & - a \le x \le a & - b \le y \le b \\ & x = \phantom{-}a & \Psi = 0 & \dfrac{\partial \Psi }{\partial x} = 0 \\ & x = - a & \Psi = 0 & \dfrac{\partial \Psi }{\partial x} = 0 \\ & y = \phantom{-}b & \Psi = 0 & \dfrac{\partial \Psi }{ \partial y} = 0 \\ & y = - b & \Psi = 0 & \dfrac{\partial \Psi }{ \partial y} = 0 \end{array} $$
$$ \Delta ^2 \Psi = \frac{\partial ^4 \Psi }{\partial x^4} + 2 \frac{\partial^4 \Psi }{\partial x^2 \partial y^2} + \frac{\partial ^4 \Psi }{\partial y^4}$$
$$\Psi \in {{\bf{C}}^{\infty}}\left( {[ - a,a] \times [ - b,b]} \right)$$
To describe the problem in words, we are looking for the eigenfunctions of the biharmonic operator over a rectangular domain where all its derivatives are continuous. The boundary conditions are of Dirichlet type, i.e., the function and it's normal derivative are prescribed over the boundary of the rectangular domain.
Facts and Motivations
This problem occurs in many physical areas. One of the most famous ones is the vibration of a rectangular isotropic elastic clamp plate.
It is believed among engineers that the problem doesn't have a closed form solution. It may be asked that even the problem has a solution or not. Numerical evidence shows that such a solution may exists. However, I am looking for some strong theoretical basis to prove the existence of the solution so I planned to ask this question in a society of mathematicians.
After the existence is verified, one is definitely interested in looking for methods to compute these eigen-functions.
- Is there any non-zero solution for this problem? In other words, I am asking an existence or non-existence theorem for this problem.
This question is completely answered by TKS. According to TKS, it is an old result firstly proved by K. Friedrichs. Maybe the reason that many people are unaware of this is that the paper by K. Friedrichs is written in German entitled as
Die Randwert- und Eigenwertprobleme aus der Theorie der elastischen Platten. (Anwendung der direkten Methoden der Variationsrechnung)
The translation in English is
The boundary value and eigenvalue problems in the theory of elastic plates. (Application of direct methods of variational calculus)
Another short answer to this question is given by Jean Duchon on Math Over Flow.
- Assuming the existence, how can one compute these eigenvalues and eigenfunctions? Is there a closed form solution for this purpose?
This question remained unanswered!