I am new to proofs, so I just want to make sure that my informal proof makes sense.
Original problem: Prove or Disprove $$A\subseteq B\wedge A\subseteq C\implies A=\varnothing \vee(B\cap C\ne \varnothing)$$
Informal Proof: Let $x$ be an arbitrary element of $A$.
It follows from $A\subset B$ that $x$ must also be an element of $B$. It also follows from $A\subseteq C$ that $x$ must also be an element of $C$.
From both of these conclusions, we know that $x\in B\wedge x\in C = B\cap C$ by definition of intersection. Therefore, if $A$ contains any elements, then the consequent $B\cap C\ne\varnothing$ holds true.
The only other case would be if $A=\varnothing$ which is also supported by our consequent. Thus, we have shown $A\subseteq B\wedge A\subseteq C\implies A=\varnothing \vee (B\cap C\ne \varnothing )$.