I've previously asked the question on Stats SE, but I guess it fits the Math SE better. Is it possible to rigorously derive the formula for expected value of continuous random variable starting with expected variable in discrete case, i.e.
$$E[X] = \sum_{i=1}^{n}p_i x_i$$
to obtain
When formulating the definition for continuous case, the intention was, I believe, to make it 'equivalent' to the discrete case. So for example, I'd like $E[X]$ of a continuous random variable $X$ to be equal to the sum of every possible value of $X$ times probability of that particular value.
The problem is that the probability of any particular value of $X$ is $0$, and the expected value calculated that way would always be $0$. But some people tried to convince me that it's possible overcome these issues with help of Lebesgue integral. Could anyone explain intuitively how is that possible? I'm convinced that no matter what integration we use, we cannot somehow magically assign non-zero probabilities to single values the random variable $X$ might take. They will always be $0$!
Or maybe there's no magic involved and best we can do is work with infinitely thin intervals of $X$? From what I've managed to find out (I don't have time to study all measure theory and Lebesgue integration at the moment to figure it out on my own) it's about approximating the original continuous random variable $X$ with step function, and the more steps there are, the better is the approximation. But still, all we have is calculating probability of intervals (they are infinitely thin though, but they are intervals anyway).
The fact that something gets closer and closer to original function in the limit doesn't mean it behaves the same as the original function (check the very popular example here).
In the 'very popular example' above, even though the curve approaches the circle, its length will never be the same as the perimeter of that circle. Similarly, here, in 'The Riemann-Stieltjes integral: intuition' part. they say the discrete r.v. $X_n$ converges to continuous r.v. $X$, as $n \to \infty$, in the limit it becomes the same variable. So it's important to ask whether it's reasonable to expect the approximation of the cont. r.v. $X$ to behave the same as the original random variable $X$, even if in the limit the are 'indistinguishable' in the limit, whatever that word means in mathematics. The curve and circle are indistinguishable too, but still have different properties.
So apparently it's that the continuous case is not derived from discrete case, but is a generalization of the discrete case. I guess in every mathematical theory, there is no such thing as 'the only correct' generalization, so the contunous formula could look different. If you claim this is the only 'valid one', then shouldn't we call it a derivation of the formula?