In French, one refers to a certain 'morphisme net'. I am looking for the English translation of this.
EDIT: The term appears here on p.22 Lemme 2.7.2. Unfortunately I have not been able to find the French definition either.
In French, one refers to a certain 'morphisme net'. I am looking for the English translation of this.
EDIT: The term appears here on p.22 Lemme 2.7.2. Unfortunately I have not been able to find the French definition either.
In [SGA 1, Exposé I, Dfn 3.2], "morphisme net" or "morphisme non ramifié" refers to a morphism $X \to Y$ of finite type such that the relative diagonal $X \to X \times_Y X$ is an open immersion. This is called an unramified morphism in English, although sometimes one generalises to morphisms locally of finite type.