I saw the following exercise:
If $f:\mathbb{C}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ is an entire, non-constant function with only finitely many zeros, then either $|f(z)|\rightarrow \infty$ for $|z|\rightarrow\infty$ or there is a sequence of points $z_n$ such that $|z_n|\rightarrow\infty$ and $f(z_n)\rightarrow 0$.
I thought a bit about this exercise and of course $f$ has to be unbounded because of Liouville's Theorem. But if I assume, that there is a unbounded sequence $z_n$ for which $f(z_n)\rightarrow \infty$ does not hold, how can I conclude, that there has to be a sequence such that $f(z_n)$ goes to zero?
Thanks for hints!