For a definite integral with a variable upper limit of integration $\int_a^xf(t)\,dt$, you have
${d\over dx} \int_a^xf(t)\,dt=f(x)$.
For an integral of the form
$$\tag{1}\int_a^{g(x)} f(t)\,dt,$$ you would find the derivative using the chain rule.
As stated above, the basic differentiation rule for integrals is:
$\ \ \ \ \ \ $for $F(x)=\int_a^x f (t)\,dt$, we have $F'(x)=f(x)$.
The chain rule tells us how to differentiate $(1)$. Here if we set $F(x)=\int_a^x f(t)\,dt$, then the derivative sought is
$${d\over dx} \int_a^{g(x)} f(t)\,dt =[F(g(x))]' =F' (g(x)) g'(x) =f(g(x))\cdot g'(x).$$
So for example, given
{d\over dx} \int_0^{x^3} \sqrt{7+2e^{3t-3}}\, dt,
we have $F(x)=\int_0^x \sqrt {7+2e^{3t-3}}\,dt$, and we want to find the derivative of $F(x^3)$. Using the chain rule
{d\over dx} \int_0^{x^3}\underbrace{ \sqrt{7+2e^{3t-3}}}_{f(t)}\, dt =
[F(x^3)]'=f(x^3)\cdot(x^3)'=\sqrt{7+3{e^{3x^3-3} }}\cdot 3x^2.
Note you have a mistake in the exponents in your solution.
If both the upper and lower limits of integration are variables, you'd do as you suggest. For example, you'd write
\int_{x^2}^{x^3}f(t)\,dt&= \int_{x^2}^0f(t)\,dt+
&= -\int_{0}^{x^2}f(t)\,dt+
The derivative will then be, applying the chain rule to both integrals above $-f(x^2)\cdot2x+f(x^3)\cdot (3x^2)$.