A cool way to formulate the axiom of choice (AC) is:
AC. For all sets $X$ and $Y$ and all predicates $P : X \times Y \rightarrow \rm\{True,False\}$, we have: $$(\forall x:X)(\exists y:Y)P(x,y) \rightarrow (\exists f : X \rightarrow Y)(\forall x:X)P(x,f(x))$$
Note the that converse is a theorem of ZF, modulo certain notational issues.
Anyway, what I find cool about formulating AC this way is that, okay, maybe its just me, but this formulation really "feels" like a principle of logic, as opposed to set theory. I mean, its just saying that we can commute an existential quantifier $(\exists y:Y)$ left across a universal quantifier $(\forall x:X)$ so long as we replace existential quantification over the elements of $Y$ with existential quantification over functions from $X$ into $Y.$ And sure, "function" is a set-theoretic concept; nonetheless, this feels very logical to me.
Question. Can the generalized continuum hypothesis also be formulated in a similar way, so that it too feels like a principle of logic?
Obviously this is pretty subjective, so lets lay down some ground rules.
- The axiom should be equivalent to the generalized continuum hypothesis over ZFC.
- It has to be two lines or fewer. No sprawling 4-page axioms, thank you very much!
- Use of concepts like "function" and "predicate" is good and desirable.
- Use of the concepts injection/surjection/bijection is moderately frowned upon.
- Completely disallowed: use of cardinality and/or cardinal numbers; use of ordinal numbers; mentioning $\mathbb{N}$ or $\omega$ or the words "finite" or "infinite."