Let $X$ be a $CW$ complex, and let $q : E \rightarrow X$ be a covering map. Prove that $E$ has a $CW$ decomposition for which each cell is mapped homeomorphically by $q$ onto a cell of $X$.
Hint: If $A \subseteq X$ is a locally path-connected subset, then the restriction of $q$ to each component of $q^{-1}(A)$ is a covering map onto its image.
This problem is in Lee's Toplogical Manifolds on pages 303.
We can define characteristic maps $\tilde \Phi$ of $E$ as follows.
Let $\Phi : D \rightarrow X$ be a characteristic map for a cell $e$ of $X$. Since $D$ is simply connected, for each fiber of an element in $e$ there exist a unique lifting $\tilde \Phi : D \rightarrow E$. I have checked that the set of $\tilde \Phi (Int D)$ form a cell decomposition. And this cell decomposition has Weak topology. But I am unable to show that this has the property of closure finiteness. Let $\Phi(Int D) = \tilde e$. $q (\bar {\tilde e}) = \bar e$ intersects finitely many cells of $X$ since $X$ is a $CW$ complex. But I cannot prove that $\bar {\tilde e}$ intersects finitely many cells of $E$. I'd like to have some hints.