There's a theorem in my small danish course book. Let $(M,d)$ be a metric space.
Theorem: The concepts of open and closed are dual: A set $A\subseteq M$ is closed (resp. open) if and only if the complement set $\complement A$ is open (resp. closed).
Proof: The formula $\complement \overline{A}=(\complement A)^{\circ}$ shows that $A=\overline{A}$ only if $(\complement A)^{\circ}=\complement A$, that is $A$ is closed, only if $\complement A$ is open. Using this on $\complement A$ insted of $A$, we get that $A$ is open only if $\complement A$ is closed.
I don't think the proof is useful. Here's what I want to prove; \begin{align*} \overline{A}=A\iff (\complement A)^{\circ}=\complement A\tag{1}\\ A^{\circ}=A\iff \overline{\complement A}=\complement A\tag{2}. \end{align*}
Note this course book has some of few formulas without proofs added.
Case $(1)$. $\implies:$ Assume that $\overline{A}=A$. We'll use the formula
$\complement \overline{A}=(\complement A)^{\circ}$.
Since $\complement \overline{A}= \complement A$, we have $\complement A=(\complement A)^{\circ}$.
$\impliedby:$ Assume that $\complement A=(\complement A)^{\circ}$. We'll use the formula
$\overline{A}=\complement((\complement A)^{\circ})$.
We have $\overline{A}=\complement((\complement A)^{\circ})=\complement(\complement A)=A$.
Case $(2)$. $\implies:$ Assume that $A^{\circ}=A$. We will use the formula
$\overline{A}=A^{\circ}\cup \partial A$.
We have $$\overline{\complement A}=(\complement A)^{\circ}\cup \partial(\complement A)=(\complement A)^{\circ}\cup \partial A=M\setminus A^{\circ}=M\setminus A=\complement A.$$
$\impliedby:$ This one I need help with.
What do you think about my proof so far? I know that there are other proofs available in some websites but I would like to write it differently.