I have this problem that I want to understand how to model as a mathematical program: there is a set $N$ of $n$ items; each item has a known weight $w_i$. I have bags of equal capacity $W$. I want to determine the minimum number of bags that can contain all the items in $N$.
I don't know how to deal with this situation where I have to allocate items to an unknown number (that I have to find out) of resources (bags), therefore my overly simplistic approach would be as follow:
- assume a set $B$ of $n$ bags (i.e. assume the availability of one bag per item)
define the binary variable $x_{ij}$ = 1 if item $i \in N$ is allocated to bag $j \in B$, and 0 otherwise
set the objective function: $\min\sum_{i \in N, j \in B} x_{ij} $
subject to:
$\sum_{j \in B} x_{ij} = 1 \;\; \forall i \in N $ //each item is assigned to exactly one bag
$\sum_{i \in N} w_i \cdot x_{ij} \leq W \;\; \forall j \in B$ //bags' capacity constraint
$x_{ij} \in \{0,1\}$
Is it a correct formulation? At this stage I am not interested in the solution procedure. My question is: is it possible to mathematically model this situation in a more efficient way where I don't have to define the set $B$ a priori? Is it a variant of any known problem (i.e. multiple knapsack?).
Thanks for your hints