Let $P\in\operatorname{Ass}(R)$ in a Noetherian ring $R$, and assume the local ring $R_P$ is a domain. I want to prove that the height of $P$ is zero.
I know that in a Noetherian ring, each ideal (here the zero ideal) contains a power of its radical. Also, I tried the well-known fact that in a primary decomposition $I=Q_1∩...∩Q_n$ in a Noetherian ring $R$, the prime ideals $P_i=√Q_i$ are exactly those among $\{√(I:x)|x\in R\}$, but could reach nowhere. Incidentally, for a local ring $(S, m)$ we have the Krull dimension equal to zero if and only if $m$ is nilpotent. So, perhaps this might be applied to $S=R_P$.
I would thank anybody giving suggestions!