First the equations for all vectors $x$ on line $g$ and all vectors $y$ on line $h$:
g: x &= a + \lambda b \quad \\
h: y &= c + \mu d
\quad (*)
The difference vector between two of those vectors is
D = y - x = c - a + \mu d - \lambda b
The length of $D$ squared is:
q(\lambda, \mu)
&= D \cdot D \\
&= (c - a)^2 + (\mu d-\lambda b)^2 + 2 (c-a)\cdot(\mu d - \lambda b) \\
&= (c - a)^2 + \mu^2 d^2 + \lambda^2 b^2 - 2 \mu \lambda (d\cdot b)
+ 2 \mu ((c-a)\cdot d) - 2 \lambda ((c-a)\cdot b) \\
The gradient of $q$ is:
q_\lambda = 2\lambda b^2 - 2\mu (d\cdot b)-2((c-a)\cdot b) \\
q_\mu = 2\mu d^2 - 2\lambda (d\cdot b)+2((c-a)\cdot d)
It should vanish for local extrema of $q$ which leads to the system
A u = v
A =
b^2 & - d\cdot b \\
- d \cdot b & d^2
u =
\lambda \\
v =
(c-a) \cdot b \\
-(c-a) \cdot d
A unique solution exists for
0 \ne \mbox{det A} = b^2 d^2 - (d \cdot b)^2
Note that the dot operator stands for the scalar product.
That solution is
u = A^{-1} v
A^{-1} = \frac{1}{\mbox{det } A}
d^2 & d\cdot b \\
d \cdot b & b^2
Inserting the found values for $\lambda$ and $\mu$ into equations $(*)$ will provide you the two vectors, whose points are closest to each other.
a = (2,0,0), b=(1,1,1), c=(0,1,-1), d=(-1,0,-1)
leads to
\lambda = 1, \mu = -2.5, x_\min = (3,1,1), y_\min=(2.5,1,1.5), D=(-0.5,0,0.5)
The image renders the $x$ values in green, the $y$ values in purple, and $D$ in red.