A salesperson visits $k$ clients each day. The salesperson makes one and exactly one sale each day. The probability that the salesperson makes a sale to the $j$th client on a given day is $p_j$, independent of previous days. Since the salesperson makes one and exactly one sale each day, $p_1 + p_2 + … +p_k = 1$. What is the probability that sale made on the $N$th day is to client that is different than on any of the previous $N-1$ days?
A hint given at the end of this question was to use Conditional Probability to solve this question.
My attempt:
Suppose salesperson selects $i$th client on $N$th day. We need to calculate the probability that $i$th client is not selected in any of the $N-1$ days before. Probability of an $i$th client not being selected on a day is given by $1-p_i$. Hence, for $N-1$ days it will be $(1-p_i)^{N - 1}$. So the net probability to select $i$th client on $N$th day would be $p_i(1-p_i)^{N - 1}$.