Let's start with a quaternion $q = \begin{bmatrix} q1 & q2 & q3 & q4 \end{bmatrix}^T$. Where $q_4$ is the scalar part, which is equal to:
\begin{equation} q_4 = cos(\frac{\alpha}{2}) \end{equation}
where $\alpha$ is the rotation angle around Euler's eigenaxis.
Now if we have a 3-2-1 Euler rotation sequence (with angles $\psi$, $\theta$ and $\phi$), the transformation from Euler angles to quaternions is as follows:
\begin{equation} \begin{bmatrix} q_1 \\[1em] q_2 \\[1em] q_3 \\[1em] q_4 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \text{sin}\frac{\phi}{2} \text{cos}\frac{\theta}{2} \text{cos}\frac{\psi}{2} - \text{cos}\frac{\phi}{2} \text{sin}\frac{\theta}{2} \text{sin}\frac{\psi}{2}\\[1em] \text{cos}\frac{\phi}{2} \text{sin}\frac{\theta}{2} \text{cos}\frac{\psi}{2} + \text{sin}\frac{\phi}{2} \text{cos}\frac{\theta}{2} \text{sin}\frac{\psi}{2}\\[1em] \text{cos}\frac{\phi}{2} \text{cos}\frac{\theta}{2} \text{sin}\frac{\psi}{2} - \text{sin}\frac{\phi}{2} \text{sin}\frac{\theta}{2} \text{cos}\frac{\psi}{2}\\[1em] \text{cos}\frac{\phi}{2} \text{cos}\frac{\theta}{2} \text{cos}\frac{\psi}{2} + \text{sin}\frac{\phi}{2} \text{sin}\frac{\theta}{2} \text{sin}\frac{\psi}{2} \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}
I've tested numerically that for small Euler angles ($\psi$, $\theta$, $\phi$), that $\alpha = \sqrt{\psi^2+\theta^2+\phi^2}$. I've also tried to do it algebraically but I always seem to get stuck.
Can someone help me with an algebraic proof?