An introduction into category theory says that
A category is a quadruple $A = (O, \mathrm{hom}, \mathrm{id}, \circ)$ consisting of blah-blah and is subject to the following conditions: (a) composition is associative: $$h \circ (g \circ f) = (h \circ g) \circ f,$$ ...
What is the point of this requirement? If I get the parenthesis right, $(h \circ g)$ says that we first submit some $x$ to the rightmost $g$. This function will convert $x$ to some $y$, which will then be submitted to function $h$. It automatically follows that parenthesis play no role: the computation propagating from right to left as if there are no parenthesis. They are transparent by default. Why to stipulate the thing, which is inevitable?