Here is a somewhat convoluted proof which I am adding since it might have some value to it:
If $A$ is finite then it is obvious how to do it via finite combinatorics. Suppose that $A$ is infinite.
Lemma: For every element $a\in A$ there is a bijection between $A$ and $A\setminus\{a\}$.
It is enough to show that $A$ contains a countably infinite subset, if it does we can write $A=\{a_i\mid i\in\mathbb N\}\cup A'$ and without loss of generality $a=a_0$ now take $a_i\mapsto a_{i+1}$ and the identity on $A'$, this would be our wanted bijection.
Proof. Consider $A_n = \{X\subseteq A\mid X\text{ has exactly }n\text{ members}\}$, since $A$ is infinite all of those are non-empty. Using the axiom of choice choose exactly one from each $A_n$, denoted by $X_n$ and for each $X_n$ choose a bijection with $\{0,\ldots,n-1\}$. Now the union $\bigcup X_n$ can be enumerated by the natural numbers and is not finite. $\square$
Now to actually prove the claim we want to prove:
We define a partially ordered set $(P,\leq)$. Let $P$ be the set of triplets $\langle X,Y,f\rangle$ such that $X,Y$ are disjoint subsets of $A$ and $f\colon X\to Y$ is a bijection. We say that $\langle X,Y,f\rangle\leq\langle X',Y',f'\rangle$ if and only if $X\subseteq X'$, $Y\subseteq Y'$, and $f\subseteq f'$.
If $\{\langle X_i, Y_i, f_i\rangle\mid i\in I\}$ is a chain then $\langle\bigcup X_i,\bigcup Y_i,\bigcup f_i\rangle$ is an upper bound of this chain. There are details to verify (disjointness, the fact that the union of the $f_i$ is still a bijection) but those follow from the fact that this is a chain. I leave these details for you to verify.
Let $\langle X,Y,f\rangle$ be a maximal element whose existence is guaranteed by Zorn's lemma. If $A\setminus (X\cup Y)$ contains at least two elements we can add one to $X$ and another to $Y$ and extend $f$ accordingly and thus contradict the fact that we have a maximal element.
If there is only one element $a$ by the lemma we can find a bijection $g\colon X\cup Y\to A$, since $g$ is a bijection we have that $g[X]\cup g[Y]=A$ and $g[X]\cap g[Y]=\varnothing$. Also note that $g\circ f\circ g^{-1}$ is a bijection between $g[X]$ and $g[Y]$. So we can assume without loss of generality that $X\cup Y=A$.
Now let $h\colon A\to A$ be the function $f\cup f^{-1}$. To see that this is a function note first that $f^{-1}$ is a function since $f$ is a bijection between $X$ and $Y$ and the domains of $f$ and its inverse are disjoint, therefore the union is a function. It is not very hard to verify that $h$ is indeed a bijection from $A$ to itself and that for every $a\in A$ we have $h(a)\neq a$ since if $a\in X$ then $h(a)\in Y$ and vice versa.
One additional remark is that Sageev proved in the 70's that the assumption that for every infinite set $A$ we have a bijection from $A$ to $A\times\{0,1\}$ (i.e. $|A|=2|A|$) is strictly weaker than the axiom of choice. One can see immediately that this assumption is in fact enough in order to ensure such a derangement exists.