I'm not sure how to solve the questions in my math class because I can't grasp the logic behind the story.
For example given the following questions:
There are 8 men and 6 women. 4 Men and 2 women will be selected to form a team, in how many ways can the teams be arranged?
I would answer the above question with the following solution: $\binom{8}{4} * \binom{6}{2} = \frac{8!}{(4! \centerdot 4!)} * \frac{6!}{(4! \centerdot 2!)} = 1050$. Which I think is correct.
But with problems like:
In a competition with 10 competitors, in how many ways can 3 medals be shared among them?
I would answer this question the same way I answered the above question with: $\binom{10}{4}$. To my surprise this seems to be incorrect, it's probably because I can't get a hold on the logic involved.
It would be great if the logic behind the problems can be explained in some detail.