I'm looking for a limit of the form $\lim_{x \to ?}\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}$ such that any arbitrary number of iterations of L'Hospital's rule results in an indeterminate form and the limit that could (most easily?) be calculated by taking an infinite number of iterations -- ie calculating $$\lim_{x \to ?} \left(\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{f^n(x)}{g^n(x)}\right)$$
I've seen questions like When does L' Hopital's rule fail? -- but the examples from this question either don't have an 'infinite derivative' (because it just alternates) or else just obviously simplify (I'm not sure how to formally rule this case out, maybe by requiring the function $\frac{f^n(x)}{g^n(x)}$ to not 'have a hole' at the limit evaluation point for all $n$).
Is this even possible?
The direction of my own work on this problem has been looking for a trig function that alternates between two values when the limit is taken at infinity, and each successive derivative decreases the distance between the alternating values. After an infinite number of derivative operations, the distance between the alternating values would essentially be 0 and a limit at infinity would exist. I believe a ratio of two such functions could satisfy the requirements of my question.