Let's give a combinatorial proof of this identity. This answer will be a simplified version of $[1]$.
Let $\sigma$ be a permutation on $n$ letters. We will call an index $1 \le i \le n$ an index of descent if $\sigma(i) > \sigma(i+1)$ or if $i=n$, i.e. a permutation will always end in a descent by our convention. Then our numbers $A(n,k)$ counts the total number of permutations on $n$ letters with precisely $k$ indices of descent (these are Eulerian numbers with slightly shifted indices).
Now we define the notion of a barred permutation. A barred permutation on $n$ letters with $k$ bars is a permutation with precisely $k$ bars inserted into the permutation with the restriction that there must be at least one bar inserted between each descent. Note that this means there must always be a bar ending the permutation.
For example, the barred permutations on $3$ letters with $2$ bars are:
$$\{123||,\ 12|3|,\ 1|23|,\ |123|,\ 13|2|,\ 2|13|,\ 23|1|,\ 3|12|\}.$$
Let $B(n,k)$ denote the number of barred permutations on $n$ letters with $k$ bars. Let us count $B(n,k)$ in two ways.
First, note that a barred permutation on $n$ letters with $k$ bars can be obtained from a regular permutation on $n$ letters with $k-i$ descents by placing a bar at each of the $k-i$ indices of descent, and then arbitrarily placing the remaining $i$ bars. The way of placing $i$ bars to separate $n$ objects is $\binom{n+i}{i}$ via stars and bars. Therefore we must have
$$B(n,k) = \sum_{i=0}^{k-1}\binom{n+i}{i}A(n,k-i).$$
Reindexing the above sum with $j=k-i$, we get
$$B(n,k) = \sum_{j=1}^k\binom{n+k-j}{n}A(n,j).$$
On the other hand, we can count $B(n,k)$ directly. Notice that the segment of the permutation between any two bars (if non-empty) is strictly increasing. Therefore the number of barred permutations on $n$ letters with $k$ bars is precisely the number of partitions of the set $\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$ into at most $k$ ordered parts (or equivalently, the number of functions from $\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$ to $\{1,2,\cdots,k\}$). For each element in $\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$, we must choose one of the $k$ partitions it goes into. There are $k$ choices for each of the $n$ elements for a total of $k^n$ such ordered partitions. Therefore we must have
$$B(n,k) = k^n.$$
This establishes the fact that
$$B(n,k) = k^n = \sum_{j=1}^k\binom{n+k-j}{n}A(n,j).$$
This is almost the identity as you have it. The rest is just a bit of book keeping. First, note that the numbers $A(n,j)$ have the symmetry $A(n,j) = A(n,n-j+1)$ (prove this by reversing a permutation). Therefore let us re-index the sum again with $\ell = n-j+1$. Then we get
$$k^n = \sum_{\ell=n-k+1}^{n}\binom{\ell+k-1}{n}A(n,\ell).$$
Finally, note that if $\ell < n-k+1$ then $\ell + k - 1 < n$, so that the binomial coefficient is $0$ in that case. Therefore we may lower our index of summation to $1$ without harm. This is precisely the identity you wanted.
$[1]$ A. S. Dzhumadil’daev, Worpitzky identity for multipermutations. Mathematical Notes. September 2011, Volume 90, Issue 3-4, pp 448-450