To start off, you asked a fairly good question - namely because I haven't though about subspaces in the way you're asking.
In any case, I'll take a shot at your question:
To make things simple, I'll assume the vector space we're working with to be in $R^3$ like you mentioned. Furthermore, I'll choose a plane - specifically the $X-Y$ plane - which is $\in R^2$.
Since pictures make potentially abstract ideas easier to comprehend, I've included the following:
(I pulled it off Google somewhere).
As you can see, we have our vector space $R^3$, and our subspace - which we defined to be the $X-Y$ plane. Now things can get a little more abstract. A vector space, as you're obviously aware being that you asked the question, is defined to be a set that satisfies the following axioms (courtesy of Wolfram):
Associativity of vector addition:
Additive identity: For all X,
Existence of additive inverse: For any X, there exists a -X such that
Associativity of scalar multiplication:
Distributivity of scalar sums:
Distributivity of vector sums:
Scalar multiplication identity:
Now that you have a vector space defined, you can create vector spaces within vector spaces - also known as a subspace. Being that you already know that you have a valid vector space, the only two conditions that must be satisfied are closure under vector addition, and closure under scalar multiplication. Formally stated:
- W is nonempty, W≠∅.
- If x∈W and y∈W, then x+y∈W.
- If α∈C and x∈W, then αx∈W.
(Note that some people also formally include the condition that your subspace is non-empty).
After all this, it is worth noting again that subspaces and vector spaces are very much definition driven. In other words, a set is only a subspace if and only if it satisfies the above axioms.
Without looking at the image, we can see that if we have a subspace, then we know that any scalar we pick must be part of that subspace (i.e. it will never be "too" big as your wondering). Why? Because we have a subspace, which means that any vector that's an element of my subspace multiplied by a scalar $k$ will still be part of my subspace).
Considering the image, a basis for our vector space, $R3$, can simply be the standard basis: $\{(1,0,0)^T, (0,1,0)^T, (0,0,1)^T\}$. A basis for our subspace, then, would be $\{(1,0,0)^T, (0,1,0)^T\}$. As you can probably intuitively know, your X-axis can go on forever, your Y-axis can go on forever, and so forth. So your planes never end in this case (unless you define them to).
Anyway, what's worth keeping in mind are the definitions of a vector space and subspace (especially once you start talking about function spaces). If you have a subspace, then you already know $ku$ will still be in the subspace.
Hope that helped!