Let $\tau ,\tau_1$ be two topologies on the set $\mathbb R$ .Suppose $\tau \subset \tau_1$ .What does compactness of $\mathbb R$ under one of these topologies imply about compactness under the other?
My try: Taking ($\mathbb R,$discrete) and ( $\mathbb R$,indiscrete ) is a counterexample .
If $\mathbb R,\tau_1$ is compact then to show that $\mathbb R,\tau $ is compact .let $\cup U_\alpha $ be an open cover of ($\mathbb R,\tau $ ) then it is an open cover in ($\mathbb R,\tau_1$) which is compact thus $\exists $ $U_i:1\geq i\geq n$ in ( $\mathbb R,\tau_1 )$ which covers $\mathbb R$
How to ensure that these are open in $\mathbb R,\tau $ .please help if this proof can be completed or there exists a counter example