Given the following definition of the long line:
Let $\omega_1$ be the first uncountable ordinal and consider $[0,1)$ as an ordinary set. Define the long ray to be the ordered set $\omega_1 \times [0,1)$ taken in lexicographical order. As a space, it is given the order topology. Define the long line to be the space obtained by gluing together two long rays together at their initial points.
Prove the long line is not contractible.
An outline of a proof can be given as follows:
Assume it is contractible. Then, denoting $L$ to be the long line, there exists a homotopy $H: L \times [0,1] \to L$ such that, for $x \in L$, $H(x,0) = c$, a constant, and$H(x,1) = id_L$, the identity map. For each $t \in [0,1]$, $\forall x \in L$, $H(x,t)$ would therefore be an interval, since L is connected. Define $A = \left\{ t \in [0,1] : H(x,t) \text{ is bounded} \right\}$. If I can somehow show that $A$ is clopen, then since $0 \in A$, it would be the case that $A = [0,1]$. But this is impossible, since $1 \notin A$.
Any thoughts on showing how $A$ is both closed and open?