Let $(X,\Sigma,\mu)$ be a measure space and let $(A_k)_{k \in \mathbb N}$ be a sequence of measurable sets. For each $m \in \mathbb N$, we define $B_m$ as the subset of all points in $X$ which belong to at least $m+1$ sets of the sequence. Prove that $B_m$ is measurable for each $m$ and that $$m\mu(B_m) \leq \sum_{k \geq 1} \mu(A_k)$$
First of all, for $m$ fixed, I am trying to write $B_m$ as countable union/intersection (or combination) of measurable sets, but I am having some trouble doing this. What I thought was writing $$B_m=\bigcup_{j=m+1}^{\infty} \bigcap_{k=1}^{j} A_k$$ but I know this is not quite what I want since this is "all the points that belong to each of the first $j$ sets for all $j \geq m+1$, I don't know how to fix this in order to get $B_m$ properly expressed. As for the inequality I suppose once I can express $B_m$ in terms of the sets of the sequence I will know how to show it.
I would appreciate suggestions, thanks in advance.