Hello all this is my first math question, I hope this is the right place to post. Anyway, this is basic stuff but I'm a bit confused here, here's the problem's legend: "Find the equation of the plane that passes through the intersection line ($l$) of the planes $2x-y-z=2, x+y-3z+4=0$ and has a distance of 2 from the origin.
Ok, So here's what I've done, the family of planes that pases through $l$ is $$2x-y-z-2+k(x+y-3z+4)=0$$ We work the equation so it looks more like a planes general form: $$Ax+By+Cz+D=0$$ giving us this:$$(2+k)x+(k-1)y+(-3k-1)z +2(2k-1)=$$ where$$A=(2+k)$$ $$B=(k-1)$$ $$C=(-1-3k)$$ $$D=2(2k-1)$$
The problem states that it's distance to the origin is 2 and the normal form of a plane($x\cos{\alpha}+y\cos{\beta}+z\cos{\gamma}-p=0$) where $p$ is the distance of the plane to the origin. We know that to transform a planes equation from the general form to the normal form we must divide each term by $$r=\pm \sqrt{A^2+B^2+C^2}$$ So $p=\frac{D}{r}$ and we have this:$$2=\frac{2(2k-1)}{\pm \sqrt{(2+k)^2+(k-1)^2+(-1-3k)^2}}$$ And here is where my doubt is, what sign should $r$ have positive or negative, the following theorem says:
Since we don't know the value of k and $D(k)=2(2k-1)$ and to have $D$ we must find k but k is determined by the sign of D(what a mess hehe) how do we chose $r$'s sign?
Any help is really appreciated.