For a site $C$ there is an adjunction $a\colon PSh(C)\leftrightarrows Sh(C)\colon \iota$ with sheafification $a$ and inclusion $i$. $a$ preserves finite limits. The inclusion $\iota$ does not preserve finite colimits in general.
Let $\{F_i\}_{i\in I}$ be a family of sheaves. There coproduct $\coprod_{i\in I} F_i$ in $Sh(C)$ is given by $a\left( \coprod_{i\in I} \iota(F_i) \right)$, i.e. the sheafified presheaf-coproduct of the $F_i$s.
What is an example of such a presheaf-product $\coprod_{i\in I} \iota(F_i)$ that is not already a sheaf if all the $F_i$s were sheaves? Is this always true for a finite set $I$?