The empty set (first "problem")
The empty set (sets are uniquely defined by their elements, so there aren't multiple "empty sets") is a mathematical primitive--a conceptual entity upon which a larger mathematical framework is built.
Mathematical primitives are notoriously difficult to define. One of Euclid's definitions of a "point" is "that which has no part"; one of my math textbooks snarkily asked "could this not also apply to an out-of-work actor?" Similarly, a "number" can usually be thought of as "how many of something" there is, but in that sense, the number "zero" represents "none of something," which is "weird" in the same way that "a collection of no objects" is "weird."
With that said, there are a few ways of trying to conceptualize the empty set:
- The aforementioned "grocery bag" analogy is pretty good, because it shows that the fact that sets are defined by the fact that they can have mathematical "objects" in them is distinct from the fact that not all sets actually have a non-zero number of objects in them. You can go a little bit further with this: just as you can remove items from a grocery bag until it is empty, you can imagine subtracting a set from itself, i.e., creating a new set with none of the items from the original set--and of course this is still a set, because what else could it be?
- Somewhat similarly, but without the analogy, consider the intersection set operation on two disjoint sets. Sets are disjoint when they contain no common elements, e.g.
and {C,D}
, and the intersection of two sets is the set of common elements. E.g., for {A,B}
and {B,C}
, the intersection is the set {B}
. But for {A,B}
, and {C,D}
, the intersection is, of course, the set {}
- Even if the intersection operation doesn't make intuitive sense to you when there are no elements left in the resulting set, you can consider all set operations to be merely text-operations based on grammatical rules. (This is a highly formalized and well-developed branch of math that ultimately underpins much of computer science, but I'll try to be fairly non-technical.) Consider a text-based representation of sets wherein the pair of symbols
and }
denote a set, and the symbol ,
separates each set member from the next. You don't need to "understand" what this "means" in a philosophical sense in order to recognize that, for instance, {A}
is a set containing the single element A
, and {A}}
is an ill-formed (i.e. invalid) textual representation in this scheme ("scheme" here is a non-technical word; the correct word is "grammar"). In other words, {A}}
doesn't mean anything; it doesn't represent a set, because }
must always be paired with {
. (Note that I was implicitly using this grammar in the previous bullet point without needing to explain it; it is, of course, fairly intuitive.) Now, is {}
a valid set in this grammar? The answer is yes, because the braces are correctly paired. What elements are contained by {}
? There aren't any.
- The formal set-theoretic way of defining sets is actually to start with the empty set, define set operations, and permit including sets within other sets (i.e. state that for every set
, {S}
is also a set). Here, there is no possibility of the existence of {}
contradicting the definition of the word "set", since our definition of "set" starts with the words "{}
is a set."
Subsets (second "problem")
You seem to be getting the wrong impression from the word "subset". The sentence "A is a subset of B" does not imply either of the following:
- A is "smaller than" B (i.e. has fewer members)
- Sometimes the phrase "proper subset" is used to indicate a set that is "smaller than" the superset: i.e., if A is a proper subset of B, then there exists at least one element of B that is not in A.
- A is a member of B (i.e. A is one of the "objects" in B)
All that sentence means is that, for every "object" that is in A, it is also in B. There are two easy ("trivial") ways for this to be true:
- A is B. That is, they contain exactly the same elements. If A is B, then is it possible for A to contain something that B does not? No, of course not. Thus A is a subset of B.
- A has no elements. If A has no elements, then does it have any elements that are not in B? No, because it does not have any elements, period.
The second bullet point, obviously, is why the empty set is a subset of all sets. The first bullet point is the special case describing the fact that {}
is a subset of itself. Here, where A is {}
and B is also {}
, it is both true that A has no elements (and therefore has no elements that are not also in B) and A and B contain exactly the same elements (i.e., neither contains any elements). Thus, trivially, "all elements" in A (all none of them!) are also in B.
If it confuses you that statements are considered "true" when they don't actually describe anything, consider the following statement: "All unicorns lack horns." Instead of asking why this is or isn't true, consider how it could possibly be false. If it were false, then at least one unicorn would have a horn. But no unicorn actually exists, and so there are no unicorns that actually have horns! Thus the statement cannot be false. Similarly, it is also true that "all unicorns have horns", because we are simply making blanket claims about nothing. There are no unicorns that lack horns, so all unicorns have horns.
Containing something and nothing (third "problem")
This is really just more discussion about the concept of subsets. Once again, is a subset of does not mean is a member of.
Consider a set S described as {A,B,C}
(i.e. its members are A, B, and C, whatever those are).
It "possesses something," in your words, because it "possesses" (i.e. "has members") A, B, and C. Now, does it make sense to say that it "possesses nothing"? Well, maybe, but that's incredibly vague terminology, so let's go back to what's actually being claimed: "the null set is a subset of all sets, and therefore the null set is a subset of S."
Does this mean that the null set is a member of the set S? No, because S's members are A, B, and C, and as far as we know, none of those are the null set.
But it does mean that S has within it every member of the null set. (This is just the "inverted" way of saying that all members of the null set are also members of S.) In other words, there are no members of the null set that are not members of S. How do we know this? Because there are no members of the null set... period.
Now, what if S did contain the null set? What would that look like? Well, then we would have S described by {A, B, C, {}}
. (Ignore spaces; they don't mean anything.) Now, {}
is still a subset of S, because, again, {}
has no members that aren't also in S. But now, {}
itself is also a member of S. This might seem a bit weird at first, but remember that sets aren't collections of "objects" in the grocery-bag sense of "containing" physical objects; they're collections of mathematical entities or concepts. (Even integers are "mathematical concepts" rather than physical realities; what is the physical reality of, say, the number 3?) {}
, as established, is a mathematical entity; it has a definition and a meaning. So the set {A, B, C, {}}
isn't any "weirder" than the set {A, B, C, 0}
or the set {A, B, C, (0,0)}
where (0,0)
represents the origin-point of a Cartesian coordinate system.