Let $L/K$ be an unramified Abelian extension. Then the Artin symbol $ \left ( (L/K) / \mathfrak p \right) $ is defined for all prime ideals $\mathfrak p$ of $\mathcal O_K$(because in an Abelian extension, the Artin symbol depends only on the underlying prime).
Now, pick a fractional ideal $\mathfrak a = \prod_{i=1}^r \mathfrak p_i^{r_i} $. Then we can define the Artin symbol $ \left ( (L/K) / \mathfrak a \right) $ to be the product: $$ \left ( (L/K) / \mathfrak a \right) = \prod_{i=1}^r \left ( (L/K) / \mathfrak p_i \right)^{r_i} $$
Then the Artin map is defined as follows:
$$ \left( \frac{L/K}{ \cdot} \right) : I_K \to \text{Gal}(L/K) $$
Question: Why do we need the extension to be unramified ? Or in other words, if the extension $L/K$ is ramified, then the Artin map is not well-defined on all fractional ideals $I_K$ ?
It seems like I don't understand something either in the definition of the Artin map, or some basic fact about fractional ideals.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you in advance.