I want to prove
$$\log 2<\frac{253}{365}.$$
This evaluates to $0.693147\ldots<0.693151\ldots$, so it checks out. (The source of this otherwise obscure numerical problem is in the verification of the Birthday problem.) If you had to do the calculation by hand, what method or series would you use to minimize the number of operations and/or size of the arguments involved in order to get this result? I'm doing a formal computer proof, so it's not exactly by hand, but I still want to minimize the number of evaluations needed to get to this result.
One method is by rewriting it into $2<e^{253/365}$ and using the power series; since it is a positive series you know you can stop once you have exceeded $2$. Working this out, it seems you need the terms $n=0,\dots,7$ of the sum, and then it works out to
which involves rather larger numbers than I'd like. There is also the limit $(1+\frac{253}{365n})^n\to$ $e^{253/365}$, but the convergence on this is not so good; it doesn't get past $2$ until $n=68551$, at which point we are talking about numbers with $507162$ digits.
For $\log 2$ there is of course the terribly converging alternate series $\log 2=\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{-(-1)^n}n$, which requires $71339$ terms to get the desired bound. This can be improved by pushing the series into its geometrically convergent region as $\log 2=2\log{\sqrt 2}=-2\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(1-\sqrt2)^n}n$, but now there is the added complication of estimating $\sqrt 2$ to sufficient precision. Assuming that $\sqrt 2$ is known exactly, you need to take this series out to $12$ terms, at which point we are verifying
$$\frac{1959675656 \sqrt2-2771399891}{1011780}<0\Leftarrow2771399891^2>1959675656^2\cdot 2.$$
What other methods are there to do a calculation like this? Is there a way to use a root-finding method like Newton's to get a strict bound out with fast convergence?