
Find all solutions mod $19$ to $4x^2+6x+1 \equiv 0$ mod $19$

I am not really sure how to start this problem.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Since the modulus $19$ is so small, you could just try all $19$ possibilities and see which of them give the result $0$. That would certainly be faster than trying something more sophisticated. $\endgroup$ Apr 13, 2015 at 0:39
  • $\begingroup$ Break up the terms and analyze each case modulo 19. Example, look at $4x^2$ modulo 19 and see if there is a pattern in the residues $\endgroup$
    – Varun Iyer
    Apr 13, 2015 at 0:39

3 Answers 3


Since the modulus $19$ is so small, you could just try all $19$ possibilities and see which of them give the result $0$. That would certainly be faster than trying something more sophisticated. I did that and got the solution $x\equiv 11$ or $x\equiv 16$.

If you want something more algebraic,

$$4x^2+6x+1\equiv 0 \pmod{19}$$ $$5\cdot(4x^2+6x+1)\equiv 0 \pmod{19}$$ $$x^2+11x+5\equiv 0 \pmod{19}$$ $$x^2-8x+5\equiv 0 \pmod{19}$$ $$x^2-8x\equiv -5 \pmod{19}$$ $$x^2-8x+16\equiv 16-5 \pmod{19}$$ $$(x-4)^2 \equiv 11\pmod{19}$$ $$x-4 \equiv \pm 7\pmod{19}$$ $$x\equiv 4\pm 7 \pmod{19}$$ $$x\equiv 11 \text{ or }x\equiv -3 \pmod{19}$$ $$x\equiv 11 \text{ or }x\equiv 16 \pmod{19}$$


Substitute $\,2x = X\,$ to get $\ X^2\! + 3X\,\overbrace{ -\, 18}^{\large \equiv\, 1} = (X\!+\!6)(X\!-\!\color{#c00}3),\, $ and $\,2x \equiv \color{#c00}3 = 22\,\Rightarrow\, x\equiv 11$

Remark $\ $ This can be viewed as a special case of the AC-method.


As usual, but the computations will take place in $\mathbf F_19$: as $4^{-1}=5$, $$4x^2+6x+1=4(x^2-8x+5)=4\bigl((x-4)^2+3+5\bigr).$$ So all you have to do is finding a square root of $-8$ (or $11$, it amounts to the same).You may check by hand that $-8$ has two square roots in $\mathbf F_{19}$ by computing successively: $$(\pm 2)^2, (\pm 3)^2, (\pm 4)^2, (\pm 5)^2, (\pm 6)^2, (\pm7)^2, (\pm 8)^2, (\pm 9)^2. $$ It happens that the square roots are $\pm 7$. Thus: $$x\in \{4\pm 7\}=\{-3,-8\}$$

  • $\begingroup$ Or note $\,\sqrt{-8} = 2\sqrt{-2} = 2\sqrt{36}\equiv \pm 12\equiv \pm7\ \ $ $\endgroup$ Apr 13, 2015 at 1:35

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