I made this question yesterday and today I've been thinking about another aspect of it. But this question is totally related to the previous one: I am trying to make a clarification about a proof of the commutativity of the sum on the natural numbers, having only:
$S:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ is an injection; $0\in\mathbb{N}\setminus S(\mathbb{N})$ and the principle of finite induction.
$m+0:=m \quad\quad\quad m+S(n):=S(m+n)$
Take the sentence
$$\text{If $0+n=n$, then $0+S(n)=S(0+n)=S(n)$.}$$
This sentence says:
$$\text{If $P$ is true, then $1$ happens.}$$
And I guess it also says:
$$\text{If $P$ is not true, then $2$ happens.}$$
With $1\neq 2$, I guess. In this case, it seems that we're only collecting the cases in which the commutativity happens and leaving out the cases in which it doesn't happens. It seems that the only point of interest is to select the cases in which it happens, but the given axioms do not guarantee that there is only commutativity. Is that correct?
Sorry If I'm being annoying, but I really want to understand this and after years, I've finally being able to express my concerns. The sentence "If $P$ is true, then $Q$" doesn't seems to make the commutativity legitimate. After all, "if $P$ is true, then $Q$" means that in the ocasion that $P$ holds, then $Q$ holds, but what about when $P$ doesn't hold?