Let $x,y,z$ be non-zero integers. Is it true that the initial or smallest solution (in terms of absolute value) to,
$$x^3+y^3 = Nz^3\tag1$$
for $N=94$ is,
$$15642626656646177^3 + (-15616184186396177)^3 = 94\cdot 590736058375050^3\,?$$
If not, then what is the largest initial solution for $N<100$? Or $N<200$?
P.S. Related posts are $x^3+y^3 = 6z^3$, and $x^3+y^3 = 22z^3$, and $x^3+y^3 = 313^2z^3$. See also this paper by Dasgupta and Voight for more details (including the elliptic curve for eq.1).