I need some help on showing that $A^TA$ has at least one positive eigenvalue if $A$ is not all-zero. $A$ is rectangular and can have dependent columns in general. I can show that it cannot have negative eigenvalues. Here is what I have now.
$$ A^TA\vec x=\lambda \vec x\\ \vec x^TA^TA\vec x=\vec x^T\lambda \vec x\\ ||A\vec x||^2=\lambda||\vec x||^2 $$ Because the two norms are strictly non-negative, $\lambda$ has to be non-negative. However, I cannot guarantee that $||A\vec x||\neq 0$ for at least one $\vec x$. If all eigenvectors of $A^TA$ lies in the null-space of $A$ (which I feel should not be the case), then $\lambda$ is indeed zero for all eigenvectors. So is my feeling wrong or how do I prove it?