Let $G$ be a Lie Group. Given a vector $v\in T_e G$, we define the left-invariant vector field $L^v$ on $G$ by
$$L^v(g)=L^v|_g=(dL_g)_e v.$$
I want to show that $v\mapsto L^v$ is a linear isomorphism between $T_e G$ and $\mathfrak{X}^L(G)$ (The set of all left invariant vector fields on $G$).
I am comfortable showing the map is linear and 1-1. To show surjectivity, let $X\in \mathfrak{X}^L(G)$ be arbitrary. We want to show there exists $v\in T_e G$ such that $L^v|_g = X|_g$ for all $g\in G$. Define the vector $v$ as
$v:=(dL_{g^{-1}})_g X|_g$. Then,
$\begin{align*} L^v|_g&=(dL_g)_e\left[(dL_{g^{-1}})_g X|_g\right]\\ \\ &=(dL_g)_e[X|_e]\\ \\ &=X|_g, \end{align*}$
where the last two lines are because $X$ is a left-invariant vector field.
Is this argument sufficient?