The question is basically like this:
Prove that if $S_{\cdot}$ is a finitely generated (in degree 1) graded ring over a field $k$ and $M_{\cdot}$ is finitely generated, then the saturation map $M_{n}\rightarrow\Gamma(\text{Proj}S_{\cdot},\widetilde{M(n)_{\cdot}})$ is an isomorphism for large $n$.
The hint in [Hartshorne] says we can follow the hint in the proof of Theorem 5.19. But here is what I have tried to do but I couldn't solve it. Will be glad if someone can give the answer.
The only reason why I would need a large $n$ is because of Serre's theorem A, which says that there exists $n_{0}$ such that the quasicoherent sheaf $\widetilde{M(n)_{\cdot}}$ is finitely generated by its global sections.
The module $M_{n}$ seen as a submodule of the finitely generated notherian module $M_{\cdot}$, is also finitely generated, so we let $M_{n}=(m_{1},...,m_{n})$.
By Serre's theorem, $\widetilde{M(n)_{\cdot}}$ is finitely generated by sections, we let $$\{s_{1},...,s_{k}\}\subset \Gamma(\text{Proj}S_{\cdot},\widetilde{M(n)_{\cdot})}$$ be such a generating set.
Now I have problems relating the two generating sets. The saturation map
$$\varphi:M_{n}\rightarrow \Gamma(\text{Proj}S_{\cdot},\widetilde{M(n)_{\cdot}})$$
is given as follows: if $m_{n}\in M_{n}$, and suppose $\{X_{1},...,X_{t}\}$ generates $S_{\cdot}$ in degree $1$, on $D_{+}(X_{i})$ we have
$$\varphi^{i}:m_{n}\mapsto \frac{m_{n}}{1}\in ((M_{\cdot})_{X_{i}})_{n}$$
where the last expression means the submodule of $(M_{\cdot})_{X_{i}}$ in degree $n$.
Then they glue to give a single global section, which I call it $\varphi(m_{n})$. My goal is to show that they generate $\Gamma(\text{Proj}(S_{\cdot},\widetilde{M(n)_{\cdot}})$. This way I can show that the saturation map is surjective, but I can't continue further.