Let $X$ be a topological space and suppose that $H$ and $G$ are open dense subsets of $X$.Then show that $G \bigcap H$ is also an open dense subset of $X$.
My attempt :
Well since the finite intersection of open sets is open therefore, $G \bigcap H$ is also open.
I was trying to prove the other part by the method of contradiction :
Suppose on the contrary that $G \bigcap H$ is not dense. Then that implies that $Int(Cl(G \bigcap H)) = \phi$ .
Now, $Cl(G \bigcap H) \subset Cl(G) \bigcap Cl(H)$
so, $Int(Cl(G \bigcap H)) \subset Int(Cl(G) \bigcap Cl(H)) = Int(Cl(G)) \bigcap Int(Cl(H)) = X $.
How do i proceed further to get a contradiction ?