Let $X$ be a topological space and $U$ a subspace of $X$. $U$ is ambiently contractible if its inclusion mapping into $X$,
$$\iota:U\rightarrow X,$$
is homotopically equivalent to some constant mapping. (One could also define it by saying that $U$ is ambiently contractible if the identity map on $X$, restricted to $U$, is homotopically equivalent to a constant mapping, but in the next paragraph I'm going to start considering $U$ as a space in isolation of $X$ so I prefer the other definition.)
It can be the case that a subspace which is ambiently contractible is not contractible when considered by itself. For example, consider the unit circle $S^1$ as a subspace of $\mathbb{R}^2$ vs by itself.
However, we can extend $U$ to a subspace $W$ of $X$ containing $U$ such that $W$ is contractible in its own right as follows: Let $h$ be a homotopy between $\iota$ and some constant mapping $c$, which takes every point in $U$ to a point $p \in X\setminus U$:
$$h:U\times [0,1] \rightarrow X$$ $$h(u, 0) = \iota(u); \ \ \ h(u,1) = p.$$
Then let $W$ be the union
$$W := \bigcup_{t\in[0,1]} h(U,t)$$
$W$ is then contractible in the subspace topology by construction.
Question: are the the above result and proof correct? I believe that a null-homotopy for $W$ should be similar to a null-homotopy for the cone on $U$.
(EDIT It's apparent to me now after considering the comment that the above construction of $W$ doesn't work; arbitrarily many examples can be given where the construction is followed to the letter but loops are introduced. I'm working on a new approach starting with the cone $CU$ and mapping it into $X$ such that contractibility is preserved.)
(The context of this question is that I'm trying to prove some implications of a space having a low Lusternik-Schnirelmann category, which is defined by means of ambiently contractible open sets, and I'm finding it would be easier to deal with open sets which are contractible in isolation. The ideal would be to simply extend an ambiently contractible open set to a contractible open set, as I've tried to do here.)