Suppose we have a vertical stack of $n$ distinguishable coins, each of which is either heads-up or tails-up. Let a shuffle be the following procedure: divide the stack at will into a top- and bottom-stack, and simply rotate the entire top stack $180^\circ$ as a unit. Thus, for $1\le k\le n$:
$$\underbrace{x_1,...,x_{k}}_{\text{top stack}},\underbrace{x_{k+1},...,x_n}_{\text{bottom stack}} \\ \downarrow\\ \overline{x_k},...,\overline{x_{1}}, x_{k+1},...,{x_{n}}$$
where each $x_i$ is either $H_i$ or $T_i$, and
$$\overline{x_i} = \begin{cases} H_i, & \text{if }x_i = T_i \\ T_i, & \text{if }x_i = H_i. \end{cases} $$
Since there are $2^n$ conceivable unsubscripted $H/T$ sequences, and there are $n!$ ways to append the subscripts to each, there are $n! \cdot 2^n$ conceivable ways to arrange the stack.
Is it the case that, for any $n$, all of these conceivable arrangements are reachable by repeated shuffling (no matter what the initial arrangement)?